The information on this posted page is designed to inform the F-1 student of guidelines and regulations that govern the application process for CPT.


如果你是F-1学生, you have the option of working in the United States by engaging in practical training during your program or after it ends. Practical training can provide valuable work experience by sharpening and adding to the skills you are learning in school. There are two types of practical training available for F-1 students: curricular practical training (CPT) and optional practical training (OPT).



  • CPT must relate to your major and the experience must be part of your program of study. 包括实习课程和合作教育(CO-OP).
  • 当你进入研究生阶段的时候, your designated school official (DSO) may authorize CPT after one full academic year (Fall and Spring completion, 夏季学期不被认为是完整的学期。.
  • The student cannot be enrolled in an intensive English language training class.
  • An exception to the academic year rule is provided for graduate students whose programs require immediate participation in CPT. The program requirement must be for all students in the program and should be listed on the program’s website in the curriculum description.
  • 你可以在CPT上全职或兼职工作.
  • CPT is authorized only one semester at a time and cannot be granted retroactively. It must be recommended by the adviser and approved by the DSO before a student can report for CPT.
  • Students are allowed to be enrolled part-time in their last term before program completion, but only if they receive Reduced Course Load (RCL) authorization from your DSO.
  • If the fall or winter term during which you are engaged in CPT is not your last term of enrollment, 你必须注册全日制课程, 除了任何CPT课程.
  • 待批准, the academic adviser needs to confirm the work is “associated with the program’s established curriculum” and describe how the work is directly relevant to the academic objectives of the class. 课程必须与学生的主修专业相关. The adviser must approve the application for CPT that is submitted to the DSO for approval.
  • CPT can only be authorized until the end of your I-20 – make sure you do not request a start date that goes beyond your I-20 end date.
  • CPT需要你的雇主签署的合作协议或信件.
  • You will need to provide a start and end date of your employment term (must be within enrollment, 毕业前). 注意: You are not able to extend time or start before the authorize start date.
  • 如果你有12个月或以上的全职CPT, 你没有资格申请OPT, 但兼职CPT是可以的,不会阻止你做OPT.
  • 您的DSO将为您提供一份新的I-20表格, “非移民学生资格证书”,,这表明DSO已经批准了你的工作.

    CPT can be full-time (>20 hours per week) or part-time (20 hours or less per week). Students registered for part-time CPT during a fall/spring semester must also be registered for a full course of study. Students engaged in part-time CPT during summer vacation do not need to be registered full-time for classes.


    • 持有有效护照/签证
    • 拥有社会安全号码
    • 每年秋季/春季学期注册为全日制学生.
    • 持有F-1学生身份至少一个完整学年.



  • CPT is authorized only one semester at a time and cannot be granted retroactively.
  • CPT只能在学生的学习项目中使用.
  • Student must have been in lawful F-1 status for one full academic year (nine months) preceding the CPT application.

    例外: Graduate students whose degree program requires immediate participation in a practicum/internship may apply at any time.

  • CPT is limited to the location and dates indicated by an offer letter from the organization where the student will be working. The student must make a new request prior to any changes or modifications in the CPT activities.
  • CPT may not be used in the first semester unless it is mandatory part of your degree program as published in Academic 目录 or your course syllabus.
  • CPT is not considered to be for the primary purpose of employment; rather, 它的目的是提高一个人的学术计划.
  • Except for students whose department requires a non-credit bearing practicum/internship, CPT必须是信用的. A non-credit bearing practicum/internship requirement must be listed in the Academic 目录 as required for degree completion in order to be eligible for CPT. 每个学期都有学生参加CPT, the student must be enrolled in a practicum/internship course or connect CPT to a relevant class being taken in that semester.

    If the student would like to continue to work beyond the authorized semester, 学生必须提前申请延期. 这些学生应该联系他们的DSO了解更多细节.

    12 months of full-time CPT will make a student ineligible to apply for OPT at the same level.



注意: 不需要EAD卡,你的I-20和I-94是你的工作证明.

申请CPT的学生必须得到DSO的批准. 申请过程中需要提供以下文件:

  • CPT清单
  • 课程描述和职位描述
  • 顾问填写表格/信件
  • 工作邀请函

